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Eskom: Load Shedding Is Not Enough - Now Take a 15.6% Electricity Tariff Hike!

Eskom: Load Shedding Is Not Enough - Now Take a 15.6% Electricity Tariff Hike!

Eskom thinks South Africans are real April Fools – we’re now expected to cough up 15.6% more for their unreliable power than last year.

From the 1st of April, customers receiving power directly from Eskom will be charged over 15.6% more. Why and how, we ask, when we’re still reeling from the effects of the pandemic measures on our economy?

Answer: Eskom has been given the green light to raise a further R10 billion as part of its allowable revenue for the year.

Heading into winter with this tariff increase will force some very tough decisions on South Africans already in dire financial straits. Many will have to decide between going to bed hungry, or sitting without electricity until payday.

solar power winter

Studies have been conducted which found that people undergoing financial hardship are more likely to make unhealthy and dangerous decisions. For example, when we have to choose between essentials such as food, clothing, and school fees instead of buying electricity. It’s documented that mothers of young babies might feel forced to feed them tea instead of costly formula. This is just the tip of the ever-growing iceberg.

We’re not even seeing the results of all the money we’ve been spending on power.  South Africans continue to live in an environment where we can’t even be sure if we’ll be able to put on the lights from day to day – because of load shedding. All while we go without life essentials on the OFFCHANCE that we’ll have power!

According to our government, it’s not their or Eskom’s mismanagement at fault, it’s the rogue “state capture” element who forced us into the current situation. Said Minister Pravin Gordhan in an address to Parliament that emphasised there would never be privatisation of the energy sector, “there is much work to be done to reposition and revitalise Eskom” – work to be done by the taxpayer, of course.

Related: Are YOU Inadvertently Supporting the Failing State Utility?

Fortunately, there are still some things that can improve our lives and cost us less and less, instead of more and more.

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Getting off the power grid is one way of taking a stand against the seemingly incurable instability and mismanagement of our state utility. Now is a better time than ever to switch to solar power, as it's increasingly affordable for all South Africans.

Related: Can Solar Panels Save You Money?

Solar-generated electricity is now cheaper than grid-produced electricity in most places across South Africa. Solar costs have fallen more than 60% since 2010, and are expected to drop another 35% by 2022. 

Financing a solar power installation is well worth considering. that .You can take the cautious route of investing a smaller amount for a solar energy solution that will allow you to go partly off the grid. However, if you’re one of many South African home and business owners who is absolutely sick to death of ever-rising costs and constant unexpected disruptions, you can consider going off the grid permanently. Whichever options are right for you, Solar Connect has a solution!

Solar electricity cost is anything from R0.78c to R0.82c per Kwh over 20 years depending on your system size. The more solar power you use, the more you save. Solar power installations pay for themselves after a few years, and will give you COMPLETELY FREE power eventually.

Solar backup power means you won’t sit in the dark or cold during load shedding. Your family won't have to make terrible choices between one essential and another. You can maintain quality of life, and keep your business running.

It's time for South Africa to take back the power.

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